Hello! My name is Tomás and I am a Portuguese Painter with major influence in my work: Architecture.
2017 - Graduated from Faculdade de Arquitetura of Lisbon.
Working also as an architect, I began to follow an old passion, sketching. Painting came later.
2018 - Posted my first watercolour draft online and got really positive feedback from family and friends.
“The frenetic pace of concrete growth in these last decades, especially with the rural exodus bringing the people to the big cities in search of better jobs, has allowed uneven and fast urban development. That same speed and excess led to some mistakes in the urban tissue planning, naturally, and that is the reason why Urban Planning and Architecture should come closer, now more than ever in order to solve such problems. It is our responsibility, as architects, to find a way to intervene in the territory. Like surgeons, we should try to suture it´s most vulnerable points in a way of preventing the lost of identity and natural landscape of sites. We should also be able to perceive when it´s best not to intervene. Sometimes, the best intervention is actually to “leave the space alone”.
2019/20 -This urban “chaos” is very visible in the big cities and my paintings want to express precisely that, so I started my series of Urbanos. After that came the series Suburbanos, portraying, as an antagonist, places of calm and peace.
2021 -Exhibition in Lisbon, with other local artists, in Clube do Alto do Duque.
2022 -Permanent exhibition in “La Boulangerie” in Lapa and Campo de Ourique, Lisbon.
2023 -Permanent exhibition in “Guarda-Jóias, Atelier de Arquitetura e Oficina de Artes” in Rua do Guarda-Jóias, 42b, Ajuda, Lisbon.
2023 -Exhibition in “Baiwho” in Rua Domingos Sequeira, 05b, Estrela, Lisbon.
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